Right from your first payment, a portion from each full payment goes towards your savings. This is like a savings nest-egg for you. If you have the standard average payment of about $66 bi-weekly, then the following is an example of what you could expect to save:
Months | Standard Payment |
1 | $62.50 |
2 | $125.00 |
3 | $187.50 |
4 | $250.00 |
5 | $312.50 |
6 | $375.00 |
7 | $437.50 |
8 | $500.00 |
9 | $562.50 |
10 | $625.00 |
11 | $687.50 |
12 | $750.00 |
This is an approximation based on the standard average payment size of about $66 bi-weekly and no missed payments.